Ever worried about tracking your period?
Are you fade up of keeping track of your Period dates?
Here is your companion : Period Tracker!
Period tracker is an innovative app for females to keep track of their periodic cycles, Period Tracker provides sections like: Calendar, Summary, Period Log and Settings.
Period Tracker also helps track the health related issues such as, menstrual cycle disorder, emotional disorder and physical disorders.
Calendar of Period Tracker allows marking dates of the period to represent cycle. Each date has mark to represent the days of the cycle on the date, along with the normal ovulation cycle. User can add notes date wise; notes will carry symptom, moods and the note section of Period Tracker.
Summary section of Period Tracker show the details on the date of the next expected period and the total number of days left.
Period log of Period Tracker is the list showing the average cycle days for the ovulation and the average no. of days for the next period.
While settings in Period Tracker allows you to set: fertility period, Startup Screen, Show/Hide Moods & Symptoms
Period tracker is the alarming application to make women’s life easy in their busy schedules.
-Track and predict period, fertile and ovulating days
-Track your moods and symptoms
-Add notes for particular day
-Smart menstrual cycle calculations, from age to age and women to women, with accurate predictions with each new period entry.